Rewatched in May 2021. Being a Philip K. Dick adaptation, the story that Minority Report tells is compelling and raises deep political questions - ones that are not as futuristic as they may have seemed on their first publication. The richness of the scenario is such that the film contains two interrelated plots that could have been made into two separate full-length movies that both deliver in their own right. The logic of the occurring events and their plausibility within the boundaries of the film will keep you wondering if there isn't anything amiss in terms of holes & inconsistencies, but everything checks out perfectly at the end of the day.
剩女失恋经别再苦苦等他的电话等他的留言等他开口约你了他没在加班没有外婆去世也没弄丢你的号码CHINESE鲜嫩Gay台湾4没有别的原因He is just not that into you……故事母题很能戳中单身男女的动容点但剧情太拖沓现在谁还愿意花130分钟去看一部爱情喜剧不是谁都是乱世佳人